Meet The Team

Eric and Heather Umsted
Eric and Heather Umsted are the pastors of Circle of Faith Ministries (COFM) and have been serving together in various ministries since marrying in 1994. They were part of the founding of COFM in 2000 and has served as pastors since 2007.
Eric and Heather have been blessed with 13 children. Home educators since 2005, they answered the call to become foster parents in 2013. They are passionate about encouraging families to put God at the center of their homes, maintaining that strong faith creates strong families.
Butch and Shelia Hart
Roy (Butch) and Shelia Hart are two of our Elders who have been serving the Lord together for 35 years. 21 of those years, they have been licensed ministers.
Butch and Shelia are part of the church founders. Butch helps assist in the Men's Ministry. Shelia is the Church Camp Director.
They have three children, all married and serving the Lord. They have been blessed with 23 grandchildren and one great grandchild.
Buck and Brenda Speakman
Donald (Uncle Buck) and Brenda Speakman are two of our Elders who have been serving the Lord together for more than 20 years. Buck and Brenda are part of the church founders. Uncle Buck and Brenda lead in the Homeless Ministry. Brenda is the Church Secretary and also a Sunday School Teacher. Buck also serves as the Church groundskeeper. They have been married for 37 years.