Welcome to
Circle of Faith Ministries
Camper Registration
We are so excited for this year's church camp! Please fill out the information below. We can't wait to see everyone and what God has in store for this year! Ages for camp are 10-18 years old.
Camper Information
Enter your child's info below.
Does the camper have any allergies and/or medical conditions?
Does the camper take any medications?
This health history is correct to the best of my knowledge, and the person herein named has permission to engage in all camp activities except as noted. I hereby give permission and authorize the medical provider selected by the Camp Director to secure or administer emergency medical treatment, including medical transportation and hospitalization and any other emergency medical procedures and services which may be needed for the person named herein. It is understood that this consent is given in advance of any specific diagnosis or treatment being required, and is given to encourage those persons who have temporary custody of the minor, and said medical provider or dentist to exercise their best judgment as to the requirements of such diagnosis or medical, dental or surgical treatment. In addition, I authorize camper to carry emergency medications and use as directed.
I agree to remain fully liable and responsible for the payment of any such hospital, doctor, medical transportation, dental or medical fees. I further agree that in giving this permission and authorization, Circle of Faith Ministries does not assume any responsibility or liability for the payment of such hospital, doctor, medical transportation, dental or other medical fees which may be incurred. The completed forms may be photocopied and maintained by authorized personnel as needed including trips out of camp.
In the event your child experiences minor discomforts during camp, we would like the opportunity to make your child as comfortable as possible. Therefore, below is a list of over-the-counter medications that can be administered by Circle of Faith Ministries personnel with your authorization. These medications are approved by the Circle of Faith Ministries Medical Director using the recommended doses from the manufacturers. The below approved medications are intended for occasional use only. I consent to the administration of the below indicated over-the-counter medications which will be available, at no charge, for all campers. Please make available the following medications to my child (check all that apply). If they are NOT checked they WILL NOT be given to the camper.
Acetaminophen (generic for Tylenol)
Antibiotic Cream (for minor cuts/scrapes)
Calamine Lotion (for itching)
I do not want over-the-counter medications given to my child
Ibuprofen (generic for Advil & Motrin)
Check if you give Circle Of Faith Ministries permission to use your child's photo on our website or social media.
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